My Package


During lockdown the concierge who signed for and logged all the package deliveries to the flat development I live in wasn’t able to do so. Packages where simply left in the block entrances of the four different blocks in the development. This meant some packages were delivered to the wrong block.


One of the other residences in a neighbouring block created a webapp for residence to log and track packages. I thought the UX could be improved so sent some improved designs, explaining why they were better. He agreed and implemented the suggestions. Another residence saw the website and built an iPhone app linking to the same database. Again, I suggested a new layout of the majority of the screens, again he agreed they were better.

Although we got positive feedback from the residence there was little take up of the service, with most people simply using the private Facebook group to post about packages. In retrospect this made a lot of sense.

This led us to pivot and focus on a service for when the concierge returns. A phone app to allow the residence to get alerts when a package is logged by the concierge. Also, the ability to see when the concierge is on patrol, so they don’t go to the office only to find him not there.

I interviewed the concierge remotely to document his current process and get his insight about possible features. I sent out a resident questionnaire to see if there was an appetite for the service to begin with and what features would be most wanted. The results were overwhelmingly positive from both the concierge and the residents.

Our proposed solution solved pain points for both the concierge and the residence side. I’ve designed the vast majority of the screens and created a prototype. The next phase is to conduct user testing starting with the concierge. Getting him onboard and using his app is key to the success of the project.